S2. Ep. 20 Let's Play a Game. With Yourself.

Season #2 Episode #50

So Christmas is stretchy right.... like bloody hell it's hard. I've had top use many of my personal coaching tips on myself recently because I have felt so pulled into the anxious, racing kind of space.

So here's what I do and what I teach many of my 1:1 clients. 

I would love you to share The Mamaload if you feel called to, share where you are listening, or a favourite episode that created some shifts. Let's help more mamas find their flow and their version of happy. 

P.S 50 episodes. Holy fuckin' shite. 1000's of listens. I kept getting up even when it didn't make sense. Keep going and following your dreams I promise it is worth it. 


for more Kiki follow here here kiki.mcgrath.xo

to work with Kiki go to kiki.mcgrath.com.au